Building Confidence As a… Writer (2)

Last week was the first in a series of posts about how to build confidence as a writer. I use the ellipsis to show that the tips can be used in almost any area of life, not just the writing portion.

The first post was about starting your day off with something that makes you happy / gives you a smile. Several readers responded with wonderful habits they have to kickstart their days.

The second tip to building confidence as a writer is – no surprise – write!

the-more-you-writethe-more-you-will-improve-your-writingWrite on a napkin. Write on paper. Write on a pad. Write in a notebook. Write on a sticky note. Type on a keyboard and see it on a screen.

Write often. Write whenever you can. Write every day. Write on specific days.

Write for 5 minutes, an hour, or until your fingers cramp. Set a timer and write until it goes off. Write until the child wakes up from his nap. Write during your lunch hour. Write between customers. Write between loads of wash.

Write what you know. Write about what you’d like to know. Write what makes you feel uncomfortable. Write the way successful people in your chosen area write.

Write whatever interests you – business, finance, non-fiction, how-to, fiction, poetry, speeches, children, middle grade, adult.

Write 120-character phrases, play around with headlines, practice closing paragraphs.

Write short. Write long. Write somewhere in between.

Write. If you call yourself a writer, you need to write. If you want to build your confidence as a writer, you need to keep writing. If you want to be a successful writer, you will be writing as often as you can.

Write to specific prompts. Write to an assignment (in class or make one up on your own).

Playing with words on a daily basis enables you to become more comfortable with the  writing process overall. Having a habit of writing gives you the mindset to embrace words – no matter how they may come to you – as a magazine article, a short story, blog post, tweet, poem, process guide, marketing piece, customer or company profile.

As writers, we write. The more we write – the more we try different styles of writing – the more we can hone our individual strengths and narrow in on what we excel at and what we are most passionate about.

Are you working on building your writing skills each day? What are your challenges?

Lisa_2015Lisa J. Jackson is an independent writer and editor who enjoys working with businesses of all sizes. She loves researching topics, interviewing experts, and helping companies tell their stories. You can connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

46 thoughts on “Building Confidence As a… Writer (2)

  1. Pingback: REALLY HELPFUL WRITING TIPS! by the way i’m back from hiatus! :D – Confidence As a… Writer (2) — Live to Write – Write to Live – What-A-Fox!

  2. Great Blog! I do write something everyday. My main focus is on a novel I’ve been revising. After years of practice, I still have problems with POV. I write 3rd person limited so I can move around a little, but of course, there are rules in place to keep the story grounded. I’m a member of a critique group, and ever so often, I’ll get a comment about my POV being off. Drives me nuts! At this point you’d think I would know better.

    • LOL, writing is difficult no matter how long you’ve been at it! The trick is to do what you’re doing – stay at it. And it’s great to have a crit group to help you see what isn’t working. I have times when I think I’ve written something great, and it’s horrible – and vice versa, I think something’s horrible and the feedback is all positive. It’s funny how our minds work – oh, and what we THINK is on the page isn’t always what is actually on the page. 🙂 Keep writing!

  3. Sometimes, I find it helpful to break away from my main project. I worry that it sounds stale and repetitive and I give myself a lot self-critques. Not right now brain! So I take a break, write a blog post or a short story or a funny scene just for me. I find it really boosts my confidence!

  4. Love, love, loved this! I found I could relate to and agree with this – it is important to write every day in order to build up the muscle. I also feel like I could revisit this post for motivation, whenever I feel I’m lacking in it 🙂

  5. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (2) — Live to Write – Write to Live | Sights. Sounds. Musings

  6. I am currently enrolled in college (again) to help improve on my writing skills, aside from my other “non-organized” writing practices. Of course I write for my clients everyday (well, four days a week, now that I’m back in school), but the contracts I currently have seem to be stifling my ability to improve. I’m trying to find the way to tactfully say that – while I love the no-brainer writing that I do for my longest-term and most favorite client – I need to focus most of my attention in a different direction pretty soon. (And, even as I type this, it feels like a cop-out.)

  7. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (2) | Live to Write – Write to Live | John Oliver Mason

  8. WOW!!! Love this post. I do write everyday but not like this, not like I should, I’ve been in procrastinating mode and this woke me up. Thank you for the kick.

  9. After years of deliberation, self-doubt and being a coward, I finally took the first crucial plunge and did it. I published my very first E-book. It will not win a literary award, it is far from perfect but I have to start somewhere isn’t it? No more hiding, no more excuses. I will learn from my own mistakes stumbling and falling. But I will see to it that I get up every time, dust myself and go on. What I have got to lose anyway?

  10. This was a great blog. I have just started my own and only have a few posts. Writing helps me personally but I hope to also help others through my writing as well as one day earn an income from it.

  11. Yes! All the writing. I’ve been using post commenting as a place to write in between my Sunday posts. It helps me practice reading and sometimes I even play with words. It also gives me something to do between meetings which prevents me from shouting obscenities at loathsome co-workers.

  12. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (3) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  13. Pingback: Building Confidence As a … Writer (4) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  14. Pingback: Building Confidence As a …Writer (5) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  15. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (6) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  16. Pingback: Building Confidence As a … Writer (7) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  17. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (8) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  18. Pingback: Building Confidence As a… Writer (9) | Live to Write – Write to Live

  19. Excellent post! Sitting in the hospital, waiting for my niece to deliver and I’m reading blogs and this was one of the best post I’ve read! And very encouraging! Thank you

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