Shareworthy Reading and Writing Links Apr 10

dark blossomHappy Sunday, fellow writers.

I hope today finds you with a little extra time on your hands for reading and writing. The past few weekends have been a bit more jam packed than I like. Though I’m very grateful to have work in the queue, being busy has left me longing for a day with no To Do List and no agenda. Unstructured time has been hard to come by, and I miss it. Though I pride myself on good project and time management skills, these days my faithful Google calendar looks less like an orderly system and more like a crazy quilt. There are far too many instances of items overlapping and hour-long tasks being shoe-horned into thirty-minute slots. (If only I could learn to write faster …)

Still, even the busiest day holds pockets of quiet and small pleasures. Despite the pack of deadlines and duties nipping at my heels, I have managed a steal a few moments here and there to read. I’ve also been enjoying thrice daily walks with a couple of elderly dogs whose slow pace forces me to throttle my own engines down.

The dogs are clients of my daughter’s dog-walking business, but since many of the walks for this assignment take place during school hours I’m filling in. It was frustrating, at first, to have to accommodate the dogs’ step-stop-snif-step-stop approach to “walking,” but once I surrendered to their snail-like style I found that it was actually very relaxing. The forced almost-stillness drew me out of my own racing thoughts to a space where I could hear the birds singing and the river flowing, where I noticed the early blooms along the path and in my neighbors’ gardens, where I felt the tinge of soft warmth hidden in the chilly breeze and smelled the earthy scent of spring flexing her muscles. I even had the pleasure of watching two crows have a very enthusiastic bath in the shallows along the riverbank.

I wish you a space and leisure this Sunday. I wish you a few hours of time unencumbered by obligations or chores. And I hope you have the good sense to use that time to do whatever most nurtures your writer’s soul, be that writing, planning, reading, or daydreaming.

_jamie sig


 What I’m Reading:

Since I’ve only managed to sneak in short reading sessions this week, I haven’t had time to finish either of the books I’m reading, but I do have a short read to share:

Pigeon LadyA friend’s Facebook post led me to the Boston Globe piece, Cambridge fixture Dorothy Steele’s life of warmth by Eric Moskowitz. I was immediately taken in by the story which seemed part fairytale, part urban myth, and – sadly – part tragedy. As the media inundate us with often biased coverage of world events and national politics, I took refuge in this story about an individual whom most would consider a “nobody.” Everyone has a story, and every story matters. I’m so glad that the Globe chose to run this piece and that Moskowitz did such a wonderful job capturing a tiny slice of this woman’s life.


My Favorite Blog Reads for the Week:





Sundry Links:

jane long 1

In my online wanderings this week, I came across the work of artist and photographer, Jane Long.  While her entire portfolio is lovely, I was particularly taken with a series of photographs that she created by digitally manipulating the images of Romanian war photographer, Costica Ascinte. In her collection, Dancing with Costica, she reimagines the people in Ascinte’s stark photographs in surreal and magical worlds.

jane long 2I have always been inspired by the visual arts. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I love looking at a photograph, painting, or sketch and trying to create a character or build a world around the image I see. The picture may be an expansive and deeply detailed one that is full of obvious possibilities, or it may be just a small fragment that only hints at a shadow of a story. Either way, the exercise is one I never tire of.


Finally, a quote for the week:

pin cs lewis anything

Happy reading. Happy writing. Here’s to finding pockets of comfort and inspiration in even your busiest days. 
Jamie Lee Wallace Hi. I’m Jamie. I am a content writer and branding consultant, columnist, sometime feature writer, prolific blogger, and aspiring fiction writer. I’m a mom, a student of equestrian arts, and a nature lover. I believe in small kindnesses, daily chocolate, and happy endings. Introduce yourself on Facebooktwitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. I don’t bite … usually.

17 thoughts on “Shareworthy Reading and Writing Links Apr 10

  1. Hi a happy Sunday to you as well, I love writing and reading. But I think my passion is Art. I am hoping to get better in it. I tried writing but I could never think of a subject other than myself. Which was quite a painful experience as growing up. But it appears to be a typical childhood for lot of women. Nevertheless, I want to fit my Art into my writing in some way. I love your profile, I place to keep up with you Jamie…..

    • Ooh – there are so many ways to combine visual arts and words. I’m thinking about playing around with some such projects in the not-too-distant future. I love the idea of blending a visual story with a written one – even if you only use fragments of each.

      I’m sorry that writing about yourself growing up was a painful experience. Perhaps tapping into the art-side of things will help you broaden your perspective and give you more material to play with.

      Good luck & thanks for coming by!

    • You’re so welcome, and I’m so glad you liked Jane Long’s work. I am fascinated not only by the finished images, but by the source images as well. There is so much history there, and so many unknowns. I love the way her versions add another layer of story on top of the story that was already there.

      Hope you enjoy the other reads. Have a great week!

      • Old photographs always have their ways into our hearts. You are right, a story within a story is wonderful, we can only imagine what the original photograph “says”. Which is a great exercise. 🙂
        Have a great week too!

  2. Animals have a way of slowing you down and making you notice the world around you. They live completely in the present, which is something I need to do more of, instead of gnawing on the past or worrying about the future. Be more Zen, like my cat!

    • If I could be as Zen as my cats, I could probably master levitation. But, honestly, if we were able to sleep 19 hours a day, we could probably master any super power! 😉

      But, yes, animals do bring us into the present, and I’m so grateful for that.

  3. Zen is good, really good, but I am zenned out a lot of the time. How do you guys get your creative projects off the ground? I have great ideas and then I bounce them around and I am off to something else. At least the books do get written! But I want to get my art in there too and want to use it for the blogging etc. I thought if I declared my intention here it might help!

    • Declaring intentions is an awesome tool to have in your arsenal. I hope you’ll keep us apprised of your progress in the art department.

      RE: getting creative projects off the ground – it’s a work in progress. I suffer from a similar weakness for having ideas and then getting distracted and/or pulled in other directions. One of the only things that works to get my butt in the chair is to have small, manageable tasks that I commit to 100%. This weekend series of blog posts is a perfect example. Over the past three (?) years, I have made it a priority to publish these pieces each weekend. Now, I have enough material to potentially put together a first draft of a book! If I had thought about the writing as a first draft of a book, I probably wouldn’t have gotten started because it would have felt too “big.” But by taking each week as it came AND – to your point about declaring intentions and being accountable – creating a built-in deadline and audience for my work, I was able to keep at it. Slowly, but surely.

      Hope that helps!

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