Writing when it’s hectic



I mentioned in my response to the Friday question that writing has helped me to keep my balance in 2016. It has helped me to handle the rocky ride that this year has been.

And of course, now we are entering the holiday season. It’s the time of year when kids come home from college, party invitations arrive, and there’s always shopping or baking to get done.

But if you are a writer who gets her stress out by writing then it’s imperative that you continue writing during this hectic season.

Ways that I make myself write:

  • I create a to-do list every morning. Along with holiday tasks I have writing tasks. I recently sent out a pitch to a magazine that was accepted and now I’m working on the article. If “send a pitch” hadn’t been on my to-do list, I would have waited until after the commotion was over in January and who knows where the idea may have flown off to?
  • Brute force. When I can, I take myself to the library the next town over and set up shop in the quiet room. I try to stay for until I’m finished with a piece or until 3 hours is up, depends on which comes first.
  • Sometimes I set mini-goals. Maybe I can’t write a full article today, but I can certainly write a blog post, or add to an outline, or take notes for a book review.
  • When I’m stressed or insanely busy, I’ll pull out a fun project -that great idea for a story that I long ago shelved.
  • I ask my family to respect my writing. Mom’s busy right now, go ask Dad.
  • I don’t see my writing as something selfish (and therefore last on the list) I see it as an important way to contribute.
  • I keep a notebook with me at all times. Sometime when I read a book, see a movie, or even when I’m driving, an idea gets triggered. If I don’t write it down as soon as I can it gets lost.
  • I realize that sometimes the desire not to write is the desire not to write.

And in the end, if I can’t get any writing in today, I tell myself it’s okay, there’s always tomorrow.



Wendy Thomas is an award winning journalist, columnist, and blogger who believes that taking challenges in life will always lead to goodness. She is the mother of 6 funny and creative kids and it is her goal to teach them through stories and lessons.

Wendy’s current project involves writing about her family’s experiences with chickens (yes, chickens). (www.simplethrift.wordpress.com) She writes about her chickens for GRIT, Backyard Poultry, Chicken Community, and Mother Earth News.

12 thoughts on “Writing when it’s hectic

  1. Thanks for the reminder…I stepped away from writing about six or more months ago. I began to do video blogging and it was fun for a while…but then it became work! Writing was never work for me. I love doing it! I just started back again this morning…what I’ve learned is that it is something that you have to love doing and have a passion for…otherwise it would become work.

  2. Yes, sometimes, specially when it’s holiday season, it’s really ok accepting that there’s no desire to write. And just jotting down ideas instead of “real” writing is ok too, as you say, there’s always tomorrow 🙂

  3. I have been struggling to work through extensive demo and remodel circumstances. All the chaos and clutter interferes with my concentration to the point that I just can’t think. And then every once in a while, out of the blue I get a moment of clarity, and in those moments, everything else falls away and I’m in the zone. Hammering, saws, clanking, banging and all the rest just sort of fade away.

    Until something interrupts me again. I find early mornings are the best bet for getting things done.

  4. These were such helpful tips!! I struggle so much with trying to find the will and the time to write when school or holidays come around.
    I have a question: when you finish editing your first rough draft of a novel, how do you find an editor to look it over? And do you have any tips for editing yourself?

  5. This is incredibly helpful. Especially the point about not thinking of time to write as something selfish – a thing I’ve never really put in to words, but now realise I’ve been pretty guilty of.

  6. Pingback: Writing Links Round Up 3/6-3/11 – B. Shaun Smith

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