
Who We Are

We are writers. Passionate about our craft, we live to write. Writing is not just a hobby for us. We are professionals; we write to live and make part or all of our living as writers. We’re happy to share our work and our stories with you.

About the Blog

We are building a community of writers. As much as we love writing, it can be a lonely job. We are here to connect and help other writers connect.  Together we share information, ideas and our experiences as writers.

We cover the business and craft of writing. Our range of topics is wide, from goal setting, planning and getting organized to personal branding and selling. We invite other writers  to comment and share their experiences.

Our key goals are to help ourselves, each other and other writers plan better, write better, market better and sell work. We warmly welcome newcomers who are trying to break into the business.  We are here to support anyone who is or aspires to be a professional writer.

… and yes, from time to time we are delighted to welcome guest posts. If you would like to share your expertise with our readers, please review our  Guest Blogger Guidelines and then contact us at info@nhwritersnetwork.com. Depending on the time of year, it will take us anywhere from a few days to a week to get back to you. Thank you for your interest!

149 thoughts on “Who/What

  1. Susan,

    This is awesome! Can I be a part of it even though I don’t live in NH anymore?

    Diana Taylor
    Pug At The Beach
    Delray Beach, FL
    (formerly of Keene and before that Elkins)

    • Diana – of course you can! We would be delighted to have you. I’ll give your name and email to Wendy and she will add you to our distribution list. Hope all is well in sunny FL. It’s like summer up here – unbelievable plus fewer than usual black flies! Take care, Susan

  2. What a wonderful idea for a group. I am very much interested in learning more and becoming part of the group. I am currently working on my 5th book, and I am always looking to learn and experience more.


  3. I am so fortunate to have found your blog!

    I love to write and have dedicated the past two years to learning as much as I can about the craft. I’d wager that I’ve spent half that time educating myself on the topics of agents, publishing and marketing. I had no idea writing a novel was more than just stringing sentences together!

    I live in Peterborough and at times have felt very isolated from the rest of the writing world. I’m pleased to find a blog that shows the reality of the writing industry, and that people local to me have found success.

    Looking forward to many new posts!


  4. Hi,

    Very interesting blog – puts my own to shame, but maybe I’ll get there some day.

    Looking forward to coming back again and again and reading your interesting pieces.

    Thanks for brightening up my snow-filled days here in Scotland, UK.


  5. @scotiannightpoetry – Don’t put your blog down … it’s a very different beast & one that’s filled with beautiful images and stirring phrases. I’m a lousy poet myself, so I am full of admiration for anyone who pursues that particular writing deva with passion and courage.

    Thanks for coming by – hope to see you around!

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Hope that you and yours have an enjoyable and peaceful holiday..

      all the very best,


  6. Pingback: Welcome She Writers! « Live to Write – Write to Live

    • Laura – We’re running as fast as we can but have not been able to get it together for face-to-face meetings. For now we are a cyber-community but may change that in the future. Thanks for visiting with us…Susan

  7. Wanted to let you know that I think your blog is a great and enjoy reading your articles.
    I also wanted to invite you to ping and tweet your blog for free with my website BlogBuzzer.com

    Craig Thompson

  8. We are launching a new Social Networking site for people who enjoy writing. Chainbooks.com will bring writers from all over the world together by writing books, one chapter at a time. I believe this is something you and your members may want to take part in. Please email me to matt.e@chainbooks.com and I can send you more information. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

  9. I’d love to do a guest post for you. I’m a full-time writer who publishes under a half a dozen names in both fiction and non-fiction. My plays are produced in London, Edinburgh, and Australia, and my latest release is a romantic suspense from Champagne Books. You can visit my blog, Ink in My Coffee: http://devonellington.wordpress.com, or contact me at devon – at – devonellingtonwork – dot- com.

    I’m on Cape Cod rather than New Hampshire — does that matter? 😉

  10. I just found this site…what a great community! I’m a newcomer to NE and live in the Upper Connecticut River Valley. I’m no professional, but I love to write.

  11. Hi! I’m just starting my own blog and I’m very glad I found this site because I wrote to live too by preparing environmental reports for industries, but now I would like to explore new writing opportunities.

  12. I listed you as one of my fifteen recently found blogs in my acceptance of the Versatile Blogger Award – thus giving you the award, too. I view it as an opportunity to let people know about blogs they might not have found otherwise. And your blog is one I definitely enjoy following. Keep up the great work!

  13. I love your blog. I nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award. You can read more about this award on my post, which will go live tomorrow morning by 5.

    Kate Dover, NH

    • Thanks so much, Kathryn. That’s very kind of you. I love your cat’s names … an eclectic combination of flavors to be sure. Did their personalities match their namesakes? 😉

    • dpeacemakers – thanks for stopping by. Feel free to subscribe to the blog and join in the conversation. We love comments. We also welcome guest bloggers. You can now find our guest blogger guidelines above. Looking forward to hearing from you. …Susan

  14. I am not a great writer or anything.. but I enjoy writing! I write about all sorts of things I see around me but mostly about life and relationships.. and I feel the act of putting down what I feel and see in words gives me greater insight about my world.. But writing is a lonely hobby and its nice to have a blog like yours for company and guidance.. its a great initiative.. will keep coming.. thanks!

    • So glad to have you here. Writing is SO valuable – not just for the end product, but for the process. Glad to hear you enjoy that part as well as your finished work. We look forward to seeing you around the blog! 🙂

  15. Pingback: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AND BE INSPIRED FROM WRITERS like Wendy Thomas « wisehabitsenterprise

  16. I can’t believe it: synchronicity keeps working wonders! I am in the middle of “writing” a novel, and I’m a little stuck right now. Well, tremendously stuck, maybe because I haven’t fully moved into my apartment yet, and I’m balancing three jobs. Just the other day I was thinking, if only I could find a group of writers (like I had back when I lived in NYC) to share thoughts, discuss the creative process, how to create interesting characters without the use of dialogue but through body language and strange quirks…

    I’ve always wanted to a be a writer, but I was too chicken to do anything about it. It would be so helpful if someone could share with me their tips re: breaking into the business. It’s my only New Year’s Resolution: to get something (anything) published. I’m interested in fiction, but I would also love to do write pieces for magazines that I love, and hopefully, one day, get an article published in The New York Times?

    I contacted the Jennifer Lyons Agency and was told that all you have to do is submit three chapters of your novel, in order for a literary agent to consider it? Is that true? I thought you had to have the whole novel ready and then find an agent. I have a copy of the Writer’s Market here, but I have no idea how to write a good cover letter that grabs an editor’s attention.

    By the way, I love New Hampshire. That was just a random thought. My dream is to retire in New Hampshire, surrounded by pine trees, snow, dogs, and horses. A girl can dream….

    Thank you for creating this blog.

    • Thank you for sharing your story and thoughts. Glad to have you here.
      And thanks for the ideas for future blog posts – your questions are excellent ones!

  17. Unlike most writers, I never had any intent/desire to specifically become a writer. I was encouraged by others I respect who do write, personally and/or professionally. Now, I write because I enjoy it.

  18. Love the site and would love to do a guest post as a fellow author. I have two books, historical mysteries that were best sellers with Simon & Schuster and have recently struck out in the indie world. My newest book, The Stand In is set in 1957 Hollywood and based on a true story told to me by a movie mogul. http://www.amazon.com/The-Stand-In-ebook/dp/B006M3YH0I It’s getting great reviews, but I love connecting with other writers and readers. http://www.bradgeagley.net

    • Thanks for coming by, Brad, and for sharing your links. I love a little noir. 😉
      Just followed you on Twitter. Looking forward to keeping in touch. We’re not quite ramped up on a guest posting process, but stay tuned to the blog – we’ll share more details soon.
      TKS again!

  19. Hello. I’ve enjoyed following your blog so much that I decided to nominate all of you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I hope you’ll accept and pass this to others. Here is my post:
    Thank-you for keeping the blogosphere a beautiful place!

    • Anna,
      Thank you kindly for including us as one of your favorite “Versatile Blogs.” With so many of us contributing to this blog, it’s not surprising, right? Really enjoyed your list of other nominations – many places to explore!
      Thanks again!

  20. I just started blogging to get myself back into writing more. I do work free-lance (on and off) but want to do it more. Thanks for doing this blog and maybe you’ll ask me to guest-blog too at some point.

  21. How lucky am I? I too am just getting my feet wet again after some 20+ dry years and I happen to bumble my way onto your site. What an inspiring group of creative minds! Thanks for sharing your insights & encouragements. I hope I can do the same for someone one day.

    • Welcome!
      So glad to have you here & that you’ve found some inspiration on our digital pages. We look forward to learning more about your writing journey.

  22. Well, I figured out that writing is a matter of keep practicing like dancing. The writers are doing wonderful jobs or thinking for those who are not thinking critically. I’ve learn t so much things through writing, reading etc. Conversely, further action is needed to be taken anyway. Thanks.

  23. I’m currently writing the story to what I could only describe as best suited to a graphic novel. Do any of you have experience in the economy of writing for a comic or graphic novel? I’m not your typical author, but that’s where I thrive – outside of the PTA and carpool to school and activities! I’m also wanting to get connected with a potential artist. It’s a quick read and I’m more interested in pushing the story forward rather than a more romanticism approach to writing. I’m too busy to get wordy!

  24. What a fantastic site. After years of writing pretty much just for myself, I am starting to take steps to share my work with others. THIS looks like a great place for motivation and inspiration!

  25. Pingback: November Begins With Gratitude and Noms! | Sisterly Souls

  26. I have been following your blog for about a year now and get so much enjoyment from your dedicated writing. I have nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012 Award. Should you choose to participate please visit my blog (where I blogged about it today). If not, I understand – please know that you are appreciated! Anna http://annahergert.wordpress.com

  27. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | Descent Into My Creative Mind

  28. What a great idea and what a nice community. Wondering how I can be a part of it, if at all. I live in India. I also blog and post every day. If inclined, do read the story of the awakening of a spent nation, written in verse at http://www.nirbhayasindia.com

  29. Pingback: Some good links for writers | Taylor Grace

  30. Pingback: Outlines Of A Shadow | Simply Silent

  31. Always writing in my head… so many stories (and tips) coming out of my high school classroom – eventually books will emerge. For now, plenty of blogging…. I’m glad to have found you! 🙂

  32. Pingback: New to the Blogroll | The Writing Catalog

  33. I so am interesting to be writer but my english is needed proving more than now, hope to win this but have to take time for learning more also.

  34. Just found your site and look forward to reading more. I am a writer on the seacoast, and would love to connect with other writers. Thanks for facilitating this wonderful community of ours!

  35. What a fantastic idea! Writing can get so lonely and frustrating! Having a place to connect with other authors, people who also live to write, is great! I can’t wait to explore this blog.

  36. Pingback: Inspire Everyone | Writing a Paige

  37. 2 things caught my eye today: your archived blog post on 21 blogging tips from Verve. Guest blogging guidelines.

    Much to absorb, much to evaluate. Looking forward to joining your band.

  38. Your website is a little bit confusing to navigate. A quick change of navigation on where to start reading would be a great help.

  39. I am relatively new to blogging and came across your blog by chance. Coincidently, I am just about to go on holiday to Canada/New England. I live to write but sadly don’t write to live! Looks like I will find your blog really useful.

  40. Pingback: Serendipitous questions… | Living as a writer for 365 days

  41. Pingback: Who/What | bendorchaya

  42. This is an awesome blog site and an inspiration to me.

    I’m a writer too. I’m working on a fiction thriller titled “Becoming Ruby”. I’ve started promoting it by creating a Facebook Author’s Page and have a website on Google http://www.mariannescott-writer.com. I’m also starting my own blog to get feedback on some of my writings – http://www.mariannescottwriter.wordpress.com. I’d be honoured if anybody replies.

    I’ll be following to see what I can learn. All the best to aspiring writers / authors out there.

  43. I’m still considered a young aspiring writer but one of these days I would want to be like you awesome ladies. I hope that one of these days I can make a living off my writing. (If I can’t my mum is expecting me to become an engineer.)

  44. I just stumbled on this blog and I’m really glad I did because I’m a new blogger looking for writing advice and this look like the perfect place to get it.

  45. Pingback: Being Persistently Persistent Like a Weed | Aligning With Truth

  46. hi .. even i love writing and i really like your writings … i write writing not just because its my passion but also because I feel better by writing .

  47. I read your blog because of your use of language. Don’t you find that those in competitive and serious positions are drawn toward use of language, whether it be as a reader or writer?

  48. Just realized my site was not connected to my name when i post! this has been corrected… I did not even know that “Living to Write and Writing to Live” was something that was in others hearts.. I am so happy that i found this site! I started blogging to live again… because the after affects of cancer treatments, and other battles that I have shared emptied me… Daily I have to write (instead of react) to get through situations… I do not know how I i survived without doing so up to this point… Thank you for this site… Thank you so much…

  49. Hello,

    My name is Douglas. I live in the Southeastern Maine area. Being that I am both a writer (albeit, a painfully unpaid, unpublished and utterly unknown one, unfortunately) and a resident of the Seacoast Maine/New Hampshire region, I would like very much to join your esteemed group.
    However, as I am currently in quite an indigent state, such things as dues or membership fees, or any other form of monetary payment, are quite beyond my present means.
    As such, I was wondering if you happened to furnish impoverished scribes like myself with some form of financial assistance, extending perhaps even the point of the waiving and nullification of said introductory fees. if so, I would be very interested and greatly appreciative.
    Or, if perhaps this is not possibility, is a beneficent capability somewhat beyond the powers of your organization, then if you could please inform me of various other, equally local, analogous associations that might be able to provide me with the aid for which I am seeking.
    Thank you very much, and please respond at your earliest possible convenience.

    ~Douglas C.

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