Wildly Improbable Goals 2013

Last year I wrote about some Wildly Improbable Goals here on Write To Live-Live To Write, and I’m here to do it again.

Remember, Wildly Improbable Goals are the goals you set that seem just about impossible—the ones that get you scared and excited all at the same time every time you think about them.

Wildly Improbable Goals are not the run-of-the-mill goals we set every year. They are not about going back to the gym, eating better, or even writing every day. They are about dreams and possibilities and what-if-I-could-actually-pull-it-off?

It takes courage to articulate your WIGs, to say them out loud, to write them down. But the truth is, you know what they are.  Or, some part of you knows.

Sometimes I ask my clients, “What are you ready to know about…?” (…your life, …yourself, …your business?)

I’ve never had a client who couldn’t answer a question like this.

So, what’s your Wildly Improbable Goal? What is almost—just about—possibly—possible for you this year?

Go on, write it down. Remember, if you can’t dream it, you can’t do it.




Here are my writing WIGs—the goals I can’t believe I’m writing down, never mind telling all of you about. These WIGs are my highest hopes for myself as a writer this year, and I know the only way in hell I’ll achieve them is if I truly stop procrastinating, all the planets align, and I don’t get stuck in traffic even once this year—hey, you never know.

WIG: Become a published author in 2013.

WIG: Publish a magazine article in a magazine in 2013.

WIG: Become newsletter editor for Martha Beck Inc. in 2013.

WIG: Polish and pitch my novel in 2013.

Since my first WIG is so huge, I’m once again going to write down my first steps toward this goal this year. The accountability of publishing these steps here last year was so valuable, I want to do it again this year.

WIG: Become a published author in 2013.

First Steps:

  1. Have something for critique every time my writing group meets (every other week.)
  2. Write in journal every day—prompts, free-writes, anything that fosters my creativity.
  3. Print out novel and line edit by March 1st.
  4. Commit to monthly accountability meeting with L and W.

Try thinking through the first steps that would take you to your WIG and commit to them, either to yourself or with a trusted friend.

I’ll meet you right back here at the end of the year and we can high-five each other as we see how high we’ve climbed, how far we’ve come (and whatever other achievement metaphor you can think of!)

Happy New Year, fellow writers. So glad to be here with you in 2013.

49 thoughts on “Wildly Improbable Goals 2013

    • Hi Rebecca,
      Good for you! Accountability is a good thing and so is saying out loud what you really, really want. Best wishes to you with your goals!


    • Hi ladydancing001,
      Thank you! And thanks for reading! WIG is a good name, isn’t it? I have a friend in New Orleans who hosts an event called “WIGs and Wigs.” She gathers a group of women, they get all dressed up, including wigs, create their WIGs, and hit the town! I think New Orleans must see a lot more wigs than we do here in New England.

      Happy WIG writing!


  1. Your last post on this subject made me realise that I’d had WIGS last year without realising it – or rather, I knew I had them but I wasn’t brave or clear-headed enough to say them out loud or to write them down. This January I feel more courageous and a bit clearer – in no small part due to you (and Martha Beck)! I have rather particular reasons for needing WIGS more than most – so I’m really, really grateful for these posts of yours (which inspired me to get my act together and write a post on goals of my own). Thanks, and the very best of luck with all of yours – I know things are going to happen for you in 2013; may they be the wild improbable things you want the most!

    • Hi dapplegrey,
      Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m so glad you were able to write about your goals–putting it out there is very powerful. It turns dreams into intentions.

      (Isn’t Martha Beck the best? I’ll read anything she writes and I’ll hear her speak any chance I get!)

      Best wishes to you as you make your WIGs come true!


  2. Great post. Staying focused is the key to turning any goal into a reality, especially when it comes to writing. I jotted down a few of my writing goals in a notebook last night and am already working on the steps to accomplish them.

    I plan on celebrating with you at the end of the year. Keep up the good work!

    • Hi Jeuron,
      Congrats on creating your writing goals! And yes, we will celebrate at the end of the year. Having those goals in place gives me a jumping off place–I find it very motivating.

      Best wishes to you and happy writing!


  3. Pingback: To Resolve, or not Resolve, that is the Question « A Slammin' Adventure

    • Hi Pocket Gail,
      I enjoyed your blog post. I was exhausted just reading all the things you had planned originally, so it’ll be interesting to see what you decide is most important in the end.

      Best wishes to you as you set your goals!


  4. Pingback: Found an Editor; Now to Write a Book… « Copywrite1985

    • Hi flyingscribbler,
      I think PIGs are just WIGs for people who see the glass half-empty! All you can do is keep trying, PIG or WIG. Let me know how it goes.


      • I’m very fortunate that most of my WIGs in daily life have been fulfilled.

        However like most of us who have taken up writing, I would like to see the book I wrote actually get published (not a big challenge with self publishing) and actually bought (BIG challenge). I’d also like to see the viewer count on my blog posts exceed 100 per day. Now there is a challenge.

        I did a post called “The Joy of the Written Word”. If you would like to see some of my thoughts on this and how I finally got started please give it a read at http://ow.ly/hzqFQ


  5. Diane,
    I always have enjoyed what you and the others write here.
    This is problably one of the most eye opening, goals anyone can do.
    I have had alot of WIGs in my life time.
    I am a dreamer, i never admitted this publicly ever, i have to say Bravo!
    What a great motivation to aim higher than you think you can accomplish.
    I can go on and on and on this subject.
    Thank You for putting it out there for others who might want to face their fears and succeed.
    My WIG for 2013 is the same as your #1.

    Good Luck to you in 2013
    E Clesos

    • Hi Elizabeth,
      Congratulations! You put it out there! It’s not a dream anymore, it’s a WIG! You are courageous. Meet me back here in December and let me know what happened.

      Happy writing!


  6. Diane … thank you for sharing your WIG’s, this is all new to me blogging that is and how and why its done, but goals and the many things others have spoken of are a real part of my mind set … I look forward to a great year ahead starting it off with a positive attitude and new goals, sky’s the limit… james

    • Hi james,
      I’m so glad you are feeling positive and have created goals for yourself. You never know what will happen, but articulating goals is a great first step!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!


  7. Pingback: Upholding a Proud Tradition of Stolen Ideas… « No Page Left Blank

  8. Pingback: My 2013 Goals! | An Evil Nymph's Blog

  9. I read this yesterday. WOW! All day the idea of WIG setting sat with me just below the surface of my consciousness until in the evening it ignited as I spoke to my husband about it. 1.This year I am going to say out loud that I am NOT done with my education nor with my research into the lives of women and how sexual abuse has influenced their lives. 2. I am going to find a doctorate program that will be a great match for me and this research. 3. I will enroll.

    I will again go forth out into the world and seek women’s life stories so they can be documented and retold. I will write more about this in my blog at Bellscave.wordpress.com.

    Thank you for the flame that ignited my expressing my passion as WIGs!!!

    • Hi bellscave,
      You are welcome! I love your WIGs! Thanks so much for sharing them. I love that you are not just looking for a PhD program, but one that is “a great match” for you!

      Good luck with all your WIGs and your writing!


  10. Pingback: In the beginning… | bellscave

  11. Suzanne Lyons does a fabulous job of talking you through goal-setting and action plans. Here’s the link to her YouTube channel and the videos about Creating Your Best Year Ever: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8D0B91AFB42CD55A

    I was lucky enough to take her seminar a couple of years ago; she’s amazing. The biggest thing that I never used to do is adding accountability, or “a structure for support.” Wow, that makes sure things get done!

    • Hi Laura,
      Thanks for the link! I love anything that has to do with goal-setting and action plans!

      Accountability is a great motivator for me, too! That’s one of the reasons I wrote my WIGs here in this post. If I keep them a secret it’s much easier to bail on them!

      Best wishes for a productive 2013!


  12. Pingback: How to Survive Life’s Roughest Patches | Breathe and Smile

  13. Pingback: Gratitude and goals « Live to Write – Write to Live

  14. Pingback: Wildly Improbable Goals 2013 | Things to Think About

  15. Pingback: Wildly Improbable Goals 2013 Update | Live to Write - Write to Live

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